3 Day Meal Plan (Strength City Pre-Populated Plan)

Strength City’s suggested 3 day meal plan. All slots are pre-populated with items recommended by Dean Fitmachine & Alex Red at Strength City in LIC, Queens. (There is a secondary option for each slot you can choose, if desired).

📅 This is a recurring weekly subscription, which means your card will be charged every Wednesday at 10am unless you pause, skip or cancel. (You will be reminded via email & text with a direct link to pause/edit).

💰 Save money! (Get 8% off)

Strength City’s suggested 3 day meal plan. (All slots are pre-populated with items recommended by Dean Fitmachine & Alex Red at Strength City in LIC, Queens).

💰 Save money! (Get 8% off)

🔁 Subscription required.

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